Autumn colours

While out and about on Saturday with my camera I found that the Autumn is arriving rather earlier than usual here in Oxfordshire, and looking around I have discovered this is due to the rather dry Spring we had here. The soil in my garden is still very dry and lots of growth has died back early, but there’s still a fair bit of colour.

Here, the cyclamen thrive under the cherry tree

and the Michaelmas Daisies add blue in the borders

and the sedum has changed from green to deep red, attracting late insects

the apples are ripening on the tree

and a late opium poppy flowers in the vegetable patch,

and a late raspberry has its photo taken before consumption.

Meanwhile leaves are turning….

Author: Sarah

No time to lose. No, time to lose. Make time to stand and stare.... Did you see that?

8 thoughts on “Autumn colours”

  1. The last two (leaf pictures) make a fine combination. I think you could work well on the autumn ‘doubles’ building up a little portfolio! (Well framed.)

  2. So the dry spring you mention, Pseu, might be responsible for smaller blackberries than last year. Super photos. Thank you.

  3. Driest spring, coolest summer, earliest autumn……. that’ll be the global warming that said the UK’s climate would get hotter and wetter then!

    Great pics Pseu! Autumn is in West Northants too!

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