Fig-uratively speaking

Nope, this is my first fig from the fig tree variety Brown Turkey planted in a pot a couple of years ago.

Thought it was ready when the skin went a bit brown and viscous-looking so picked it and it was sweet and gorgeous.  I’ll probably repot it and hope for more figs next year.  Little figlets are growing now in the nodes of the leaves but I doubt they will come to anything this year.

I’d only ever eaten tinned figs until a visit to Nicosia and a stroll around the garden of an old merchant’s house (we’d been to see No Man’s Land between the Cypriot and Turkish borders and needed some shade as the temperature was high 30’s).  The garden was lush and there were cicadas singing and lizards basking on the low branches of trees and shrubs.

One of the attendants offered me a fig straight from the tree.  It looked as though it was covered in green velvet.  I peeled it and bit into the soft inside – perfect rosy-carmine fruit with a sweet but not sickly flavour.  I was hooked.

This year, the fig was ripe at the same time as the beginning of the Victoria plums. It will be interesting to see if the fruit season is as early – and successful – in 2012.

‘Course, now you can buy figs in supermarkets.  Nothing much is special any more, except perhaps Durian fruit.  You don’t see them in Waitrose ….  yet.





Author: janh1

Part-time hedonist.

7 thoughts on “Fig-uratively speaking”

  1. I understand that figs prefer to be root bound and that helps them produce, so not sure if potting on is such a good idea….

    or plant in the ground with something that limits their root growth

  2. Oh. Being cruel to be kind? Maybe it likes the restriction!

    Great stuff, Pseu. Thanks for the link to the article! I got it from Read’s nursery but the whole cultivation leaflet has gone walkies. That’s it, then. No re-potting. Re-potting would make it impossible to move anyway and at the moment it can be shifted to the sunny spots and close to the house for the winter. Very cheering that the little fruit-lets might develop next year if they don’t get frosted! Thanks again. 🙂

  3. I can find durian fruit without too much trouble here in California, especially in areas with large South-East Asian populations.

    As with anything, though, the only way to properly enjoy a piece of fruit is to eat it fresh and properly grown. What one can find at the grocer’s is usually inferior at best.

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